Water Treatment Plants

Reverse Osmosis Plant

Revrse Osmosis (RO) is a membrane-technology filtration method that removes many types of large molecules and ions from solutions by applying pressure to the solution when it is on one side of a selective membrane. In the normal osmosis process, the solvent naturally moves from an area of low solute concentration (High Water Potential), through a membrane, to an area of high solute concentration (Low Water Potential). The movement of a pure solvent to equalize solute concentrations on each side of a membrane generates osmotic pressure. Applying an external pressure to reverse the natural flow of pure solvent, thus, is reverse osmosis.

Water Softening Plants

Water softening by ion exchange is the process in which Calcium and Magnesium are replaced with sodium and thus hard water turns into soft water. Calcium and Magnesium salts are called hardness in water and when it is replaced with sodium, hardness of water is reduced. Softening can reduce hardness but the TDS will not be reduced. As there is an exchange of cations with a preference for the sodium ion, a cation exchange resin in the sodium form is used in the process. The conventional resin employed for the softening process is the strong acid cation (SAC) resin the sodium form. All the hardness, both temporary and permanent, present in water is removed. The hardness is easily reduced to commercial zero, a term previously referred to as one English Degree or one French Degree but presently considered as below 5 ppm CaCO3.
Flouride Removal
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In eu justo quis libero lacinia pharetra. Aenean malesuada porttitor ex, quis lacinia urna pellentesque ut. Integer cursus id nunc venenatis auctor. Pellentesque a lorem elit. Phasellus et semper velit. Proin ipsum lacus, porta sit amet libero eget, suscipit ultricies dui. Maecenas vitae leo eu lorem ullamcorper mattis. Curabitur condimentum velit quis leo gravida, et aliquet ante varius. Fusce scelerisque facilisis faucibus. Vivamus vitae magna non massa faucibus euismod vel posuere urna. Fusce eu erat a odio consectetur ornare. Nam odio urna, scelerisque eget orci vel, molestie rutrum lorem.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In eu justo quis libero lacinia pharetra. Aenean malesuada porttitor ex, quis lacinia urna pellentesque ut. Integer cursus id nunc venenatis auctor. Pellentesque a lorem elit. Phasellus et semper velit. Proin ipsum lacus, porta sit amet libero eget, suscipit ultricies dui. Maecenas vitae leo eu lorem ullamcorper mattis. Curabitur condimentum velit quis leo gravida, et aliquet ante varius. Fusce scelerisque facilisis faucibus. Vivamus vitae magna non massa faucibus euismod vel posuere urna. Fusce eu erat a odio consectetur ornare. Nam odio urna, scelerisque eget orci vel, molestie rutrum lorem.

Iron Removal Filters

Many water supplies contain quantities of iron & manganese which may be detrimental to number of domestic and industrial use if not removed. Iron & manganese removal is very important pretreatment step in lon Exchange & R.O. treatment.


Filtration The process of filtration involves the flow of water through a granular bed, of sand or another suitable media, at a low speed. The media retains most solid matter while permitting the water to pass. This type of slow filtration over a granular bed is generally known as slow sand filtration. It is the oldest method of filtration but still widely used in municipal water treatment plants & for industrial application as well. Since Filtarion process is the most important part for pretreatment. CIEPL offers combination of filters which ensures optimum design & effective removal of total suspended solids, turbidity, odor, color & iron present in the water

Ultra Filtration

(UF) is a variety of membrane filtration in which hydrostatic pressure forces a liquid against a semipermeable membrane. Suspended solids and solutes of high molecular weight are retained, while water and low molecular weight solutes pass through the membrane. This separation process is used in industry and research for purifying and concentrating macromolecular (103 – 106 Da) solutions, especially protein solutions. Ultrafiltration is not fundamentally different from microfiltration, nanofiltration or gas separation, except in terms of the size of the molecules it retains. Ultrafiltration is applied in cross-flow or dead-end mode and separation in ultrafiltration undergoes concentration polarization.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In eu justo quis libero lacinia pharetra. Aenean malesuada porttitor ex, quis lacinia urna pellentesque ut. Integer cursus id nunc venenatis auctor. Pellentesque a lorem elit. Phasellus et semper velit. Proin ipsum lacus, porta sit amet libero eget, suscipit ultricies dui. Maecenas vitae leo eu lorem ullamcorper mattis. Curabitur condimentum velit quis leo gravida, et aliquet ante varius. Fusce scelerisque facilisis faucibus. Vivamus vitae magna non massa faucibus euismod vel posuere urna. Fusce eu erat a odio consectetur ornare. Nam odio urna, scelerisque eget orci vel, molestie rutrum lorem.

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