Waste Water Treatment Plants

Effluent Treatment Plants
The Effluent Treatment Plant is designed to treat the effluent coming from diffrent areas of the plant.
Effluent Treatment Plants or ETPs are to purify water and remove any toxic and none toxic materials or chemicals from it.
These plants are used for environment protection. An ETP is a plant where the the treatment of industrial effluents and wastewater is done. Effluent treatment is basically waste treatment.
These plants are used widely in more or less all type of process industries to reduce BOD, COD, suspended solids & other contaminants from wastewater. The effluent water treatmet plants are installed to reduce the possibility of pollution.
Oil Skimmers
Oil sorbent rope and belt are the result of decades of development, field-testing and refinement. With 20 years of experience in the industrial oil skimmer business. simple but highly efficient floating oil skimmer technology still works to protect our environment.
The greatest benefit has been for industries of all types – petrochemical, metal finishing and machining, food processing, transportation and many more. No matter what the industry, wherever the separation of oil and hydrocarbons from water is a problem, clear-ion has a simple, efficient and cost saving oil recovery solution. Today, CIEPL remains committed to developing more efficient oil spill recovery applications of evolving oil separator technologies. CIEPL creating solutions to oil recovery problems, where our success is measured by the satisfaction of our customers.
Our oil Sorbent Recovery Systems are versatile, adapting to almost any machinery and industrial application. Rope and Belt type skimmers have few moving parts our skimmers require little maintenance and are used widly to solve oil pollution problems in a variety of industries, including food manufacturing, steel and transportation industries and many more.
CIEPL oil Separator Technologies can… Keep Your Oil Sumps and Waste Oil Tanks Clean. Improve Waste Water Treatment/Oil Treatment Efficiency. Reclaim Waste Oil from storage Tanks. Our Industrial Oil Skimmers handle sumps, tanks. clarifiers, ponds, lagoons and waste water treatment plants.

Lamella Plates Separators
Lamella plate separators are compact and efficient devices used for solid-liquid separation in industrial and municipal applications. They consist of a series of inclined plates arranged closely in a stack, which increases the settling surface area and enhances sedimentation by allowing solids to settle on the plates while clarified liquid flows upward. The design minimizes the footprint while improving separation efficiency, making them ideal for treating wastewater, process water, and stormwater. Lamella separators are commonly used in industries like chemical processing, mining, and food production, offering advantages such as low maintenance, high capacity, and ease of operation.
Sludge Dewatering
Sludge Dewatering is the process of removing water from sludge. The percent of solids and moisture in relation to each other after dewatering, is dependent on the nature of the sludge and the exact nature of removal.

Clarification is the oldest and most widely used operation in the effective treatment of wastewater. The operation consists of removing sediment, turbidity and floating material from raw wastewater. The Clear-lons circular mechanical clarifiers include circular center feed, and peripheral flow types. The Clear-lons circular center feed clarifier operates with effluent entering through a center stilling well with the flow being forced downward. This ensures the proper residence time of the water in the clarifier to allow for the settling of the solids. The water than rises and exits through a wall mounted weir trough that is placed on the inner circumference of the clarifier. A skimmer sweeps over the surface of the clarifier to collect any floatable solids and remove them via the scum trough. A scraper arm assembly passes over the bottom of the clarifier to densify and condition the settled solids prior to being draw off for additional processing.
Tube Settlers
Tube Settlers are a cost-effective solution for enhancing sedimentation in water and wastewater treatment processes. They consist of multiple inclined tubes or channels, arranged in a closely packed configuration, which create a larger settling surface area within a compact space. This design improves the settling of suspended solids by reducing the vertical distance particles must travel, increasing efficiency and capacity. Tube settlers are commonly used in clarifiers and sedimentation tanks to improve water clarity and reduce the load on downstream filtration systems. Their modular design allows for easy installation, maintenance, and scalability, making them a popular choice for municipal and industrial treatment plants.

Oil Water Separators
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Basically, centrifuges separate solids from the liquid through sedimentation and centrifugal force. In a typical unit sludge is fed through a stationary feed tube along the centerline of the bowl through a hub of the screw conveyor. The screw conveyor is mounted inside the rotating conical bowl. It rotates at a slightly lower speed than the bowl. Sludge leaves the end of the feed tube, passes through the ports in the conveyor shaft, and is distributed to the periphery of the bowl. Solids settle through the liquid pool, are compacted by centrifugal force against the walls of the bowl, and are conveyed by the screw conveyor t drying or beach area of the bowl. The beach area is an inclined section of the bowl where further dewatering occurs before the solids are discharged. Separated liquid is discharged continuously over adjustable weirs at the opposite end of the bowl.

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