Sewage Treatment Plants
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In eu justo quis libero lacinia pharetra. Aenean malesuada porttitor ex, quis lacinia urna pellentesque ut. Integer cursus id nunc venenatis auctor. Pellentesque a lorem elit. Phasellus et semper velit. Proin ipsum lacus, porta sit amet libero eget, suscipit ultricies dui. Maecenas vitae leo eu lorem ullamcorper mattis. Curabitur condimentum velit quis leo gravida, et aliquet ante varius. Fusce scelerisque facilisis faucibus. Vivamus vitae magna non massa faucibus euismod vel posuere urna. Fusce eu erat a odio consectetur ornare. Nam odio urna, scelerisque eget orci vel, molestie rutrum lorem.
SBR Sequential batch reactors are influent processing tanks for the treatment of wastewater. SBR reactors treat waste water such as sewage or output from anaerobic digesters or mechanical biological treatment facilities in batches. Oxygen is bubbled through the waste water to reduce biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand(COD) to make suitable for discharge into sewers or for use on land. The SBR is an advanced biological aeration type treatment plant designed to produce a very high quality of final effluent.
MBBR / FAB Treatment of effluents with micro organisms developed as biofilms on biochips in a aeration tank, so as to reduce pollutant load (COD/BOD) in a Secondary Treatment process is called as Moving Bed Biofilm Technology.Due to Providing La surface area via biochip the micro organisms will not easily come out from the system and they develop biofilms on the cal element/biochip to easily degrade the organic material and to reduce the pollutants (COD/BOD) load. The biofilm carrier elements being kept suspended in the water by air from the diffusers in the aerobic reactors, and by means of a Mixer in the reactors. The fluid aerobic bioreactor (FAB) is based on the concept of suspended growth as well as attached growth processes. The media has a sp gravity less than that of water. Hydraulic currents set by aeration facilitate fluidisation the media.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In eu justo quis libero lacinia pharetra. Aenean malesuada porttitor ex, quis lacinia urna pellentesque ut. Integer cursus id nunc venenatis auctor. Pellentesque a lorem elit. Phasellus et semper velit. Proin ipsum lacus, porta sit amet libero eget, suscipit ultricies dui. Maecenas vitae leo eu lorem ullamcorper mattis. Curabitur condimentum velit quis leo gravida, et aliquet ante varius. Fusce scelerisque facilisis faucibus. Vivamus vitae magna non massa faucibus euismod vel posuere urna. Fusce eu erat a odio consectetur ornare. Nam odio urna, scelerisque eget orci vel, molestie rutrum lorem.
SAFF The submerged aerobic fixed film process (SAFF) also known as tricking filters comprises of specially designed media that facilitate attached fixed film growth of the microorganisms. The aerobic environment in the SAFF reactor is achieved by using fine bubble diffused aeration, which also serves to maintain liquid in a completely mixed regime. Biological growth on the media surface of trickling filters converts dissolved organic waste material into by products like carbon dioxide, nitrates, water and biological solids which are later removed by clarification.
Submerged Aerobic Fixed Film & Needs a smaller settling tank, due to higher settling rate of sludge. Requires skilled monitoring.
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